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Multi-complement + intelligent energy = energy Internet


Recently, the National Energy Board announced the first batch of 25 fully integrated and integrated demonstration projects to encourage thermal power units to configure thermal storage, storage and other facilities to implement the implementation of the depth of peaking, and to encourage conditional areas on the configuration of heat storage, energy storage The thermos communication unit of the peaking facility is subsidized. Then the State Grid Corporation of China held a press conference, proposed 20 to promote new energy consumption of specific measures, involving power grid construction, peak peaking capacity, unified planning research and key technical nodes and other aspects.

It is an energy policy with the aim of increasing the proportion of new energy and renewable energy such as hydropower, solar energy, wind energy, ocean energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy and hydrogen energy according to different resource conditions and energy targets. The development and utilization of various energy to complement each other to ease the contradiction between energy supply and demand, reasonable protection of natural resources, and promote a virtuous circle of ecological environment. Wisdom Energy is through the technological innovation and institutional change, in the energy development and utilization, production and consumption of the whole process and links into the unique wisdom of mankind, the establishment and improvement of ecological civilization and sustainable development requirements of energy technology and energy system, Out of a new form of energy, in short, intelligent energy is to meet the system, security, clean and economic requirements of the new energy form.
Combined with China's ongoing energy system reform, we can see that the power industry in the future power generation plan to open, the spot market and the terminal price adjustment after the more complementary projects will be more extensive than the park area, and even large cities for Can play a greater role in the field. The trend of energy marketization, democratization, centralization, intelligence, and materialization are destined to subvert the existing energy industry. "Energy Internet" will have the "wisdom, self-learning, can evolve" the characteristics of life, through the integration of operational data, weather data, weather data, power grid data, power market data, large data analysis, load forecasting, power generation forecast, Machine learning, opening up and optimizing the efficiency of energy production and energy consumption terminals, demand and supply will be able to make dynamic adjustments at any time.

It can be seen, more complementary + intelligent energy is to large data analysis and prediction, applied to the power production and energy production to achieve the energy of intelligent production and collaborative power generation. In the future, only to achieve a variety of energy coordination and complementarity, the energy use from the original centralized into intelligent decentralized, in order to power, oil and gas, transportation, information and other networks together to become energy Internet sharing network, Thereby achieving optimal energy efficiency and maximizing energy values.